Who we are
We are a team of technical experts specialised in supporting innovation and nanomaterials application development and commercialisation. We have experience in supporting nanomaterials application development and commercialisation in areas such as energy, transport, construction, electronics, environmental to biomedical.
Dr Bojan Boskovic, a founder of CNT Innovation, has more than 25 years of experience in carbon nanomaterials synthesis, production scale-up, application development and commercialisation from industry and academia in the UK and Europe. He worked for University of Cambridge, Morgan Advanced Materials, Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems and Nanocyl before starting the Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd as a consultancy business in 2009 based in Cambridge, UK. He opened a sister company CNT Innovation ten years later in 2019 in Brussels to support closer relationship with Europe.
Community development platform and virtual exhibition www.nanoMATexpo.net has been developed by Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd and supported by a sister company CNT Innovation, in order to promote innovative products and services of the nanomaterials application development communities and support exploitation and dissemination of the grant founded project results for both companies. Communities supported by virtual exhibitions are related to thematics including energy, transport, environmental to biomedical.
The first virtual exhibition has been developed in 2021 by a sister company Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd to help partners of the Innovate UK funded GRAPOHOSITE project during COVID-19 pandemic lockdown in 2021 to promote their products and services and support exploitation and dissemination of the project results and development of the community.
NCEM 7.2 Meeting in Brussels – January 2020
In 2012 the first NCEM (Nano Carbon Enhanced Materials) consortium led by Dr Boskovic has been launched by the CfBI (Centre for Business Innovation) to support carbon nanomaterials commercialisation. This private member driven consortium had been running for seven series with 5 meetings in each series and attracted members from leading multinational organisations such as AIRBUS, GE, Rolls Royce, Schneider Electric, BOSCH, THALES, National Grid, Henkel and Prysmian. The consortium is now refocused as Novel Concepts for Energy Materials.
CNT Innovation as a project partner involved in exploitation and dissemination activities, have successfully supported other project partners in getting Horizon Europe 3.6 million EUR grant for the project 3D-BRICKS about novel electronic devices based on carbon nanotubes and DNA. The sister company Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd have helped more than 15 projects getting public grants from EU and UK with more 150 partner organisations and more than 80 million EUR received in funding.
Please Contact Us to discuss how we can help with our Services.